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Wedding LED par light in the stage of the application

Date:2016/2/29 source:Sicheng Stagelight

In many wedding occasions, we can see the wedding scene layout by the stage lighting, road and the scene of flowers and so on. Well, a pair of new people for such a wedding site layout requirements are more and more diverse, more and more diverse decorative style, fancy more and more. So how to better operate the wedding par light it? Here, we will tell you about the operation of the wedding par lamp it

1, wedding scene we are on the ground is seven sets of lights, they are connected to the power cord and signal lines, are one into a. And then put two of the lamp power lines connected to each other, because there are two machines inside and outside the input and output power cord, so the two connections is an input connected to another output of the power cord Can be connected to two direct lighting control.
2, the power line and the signal line are connected to power on, waiting for an initial state of the par lamp, par lamp in the initial state will have a red digital LCD display digital. And then see the LCD number when we set the state of encoding A001, and then press the OK button. Since this channel has eight channels, we set the A001 channel in the first table lamp, then we can set the A009 channel by pressing the up and down keys in the second tab and press the OK key. Behind a few lights are such a method of operation to operate, and so on.
3, the lamp channel and the power cord connected after a good start to use the remote control to control the effect of lighting, remote control according to the first time when the lights will be off on behalf of a remote control on behalf of the state. After the connection we can according to the remote control to carry out

Wedding LED par light in the stage of the applicationWedding LED par light in the stage of the applicationWedding LED par light in the stage of the applicationWedding LED par light in the stage of the applicationWedding LED par light in the stage of the applicationWedding LED par light in the stage of the applicationOn-site operation of the effect of the lighting effect of the par light.
Above, that is, we introduce the wedding par lamp operation method, if there is a step do not understand, or would like to know more about the stage lighting, Guangzhou stage lighting information,

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